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Need help with finding element in Chrome

ReplyThanks 2018/08/21 06:14:13 0 0

I created a module that logs into a website and was able to do it fine, but after switching to Chrome and remaking the module using the instructions on this tutorial, I get an error when running that it can't find the module.


I tried inspecting the element, clicking the arrow, selecting the username box, copying to outer html, and getting the element from the clipboard in Control Operate. I then find html element and it shows the element is found, but when I run the module it crashes.

I've also tried copyign the XPath and searching for the element that way, and the same thing. It finds the element in the editor but not when running.

Can you help me figure out what is wrong?

Also, I want to simulate pressing a button on the keyboard, but not inputting it into a text box. When I use the set value I don't get the result I want. Is there a way to simulate a keyboard button press?

2018/08/22 10:40:34

What is the website link please?

Module between Geckofx and Chrome cannot be converted directly. If you want to use chrome, please create a new module to run.

Please send us a screenshot, and mark where you want to set value and which button you want to click. We will help you test it in our side.

Waiting for your news.

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